Saturday, 29 January 2011

Hypertrophy - the right type!

We have all seen plenty of hypertrophy programmes in our time which had a primary emphasis on getting players/atheletes bigger. Before we discuss the rationale behind getting the players bigger in the first place, there was one common theme with all these programmes, ie body building type of programme design. The question is: is this type of programme warranted in the athlete population? Well, in almost all cases the answer is no. Here is the reason why.

In the athlete world, expression of force is a fundamentally important characteristic. This can be seen in slow velocity high force expression or high velocity low force expression. See the curve below.

Everything under the curve is power, either high load power such as squat cleans (left of curve) or low load power such as a squat jump (right of curve). Traditional bodybuilding does not fit into any part of this curve. Bodybuilding exercises force the athlete to express medium intensity force with high volume. In doing so the athlete is neither improving his/her strength nor his/her ability to express their strength at speed. 

So if an athlete is to hypertrophy train, then what type of hypertrophy should they perform? Research has shown that myofibrillar hypertrophy will have a greater effect on force expression (and thus performance) than sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (bodybuilding hypertrophy).

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy:
This is the growth of non-contractile tissue and semi-fluid between muscle fibers. This type of growth comes from work in the rep ranges that illicit the most depletion of sarcoplasm. Sets in the 12-20 rep range will induce this type of growth with short recovery times of between 60-75 seconds. While cross sectional area of the muscle increases, there are minimal gains in strength and the density of the muscle fibers per unit actually decreases during training phases exclusively dedicated to sarcoplasmic growth.
Myofibrillar Hypertrphy:
This is an increase in diameter size of the actual contracile mucle fiber. As a result there are greater gains in strength than in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This will allow the athltete a greater ability to express force as their muscle cross-sectional area increases. Rep ranges of 8-12 will induce myo hypertrophy with longer recovery times of 90secs-2minutes.
So if you want to get your players bigger, then get them stronger as well by using myofibrillar hypertrophy and not the traditional bodybuilding methods which will have little to small performance gains.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Strength & Conditioning Internship


KG Elite Performance strength & conditioning internship programme will dramatically
improve your applied knowledge of strength & conditioning. The internship is specifically
aimed at those who want to work in elite sport and who want to up skill their knowledge in
order to do so. During the internship you will learn key technical coaching models on
important aspects of strength and conditioning such as weightlifting, speed and agility and
plyometric training. You will also learn how to identify typical compensations which occur
when performing these movement skills and what steps you need to take to correct them.
What separates KG Elite Performance internship programme from others is that we do not
want to create a “cook book” for our graduates. At KG Elite Performance, we want our
coaches to be excellent problem solvers so that they can analyse movement and improve
performance with correct exercise prescription. It would be of benefit if applicants are
currently pursuing or have a relevant qualification in Sports Science/Exercise
Science/Strength & Conditioning related field as information provided will be of a technical

The internship will be divided into four one day workshops.
Each workshop will cost €100.
Applicants will receive certification of completion at the end of the four workshops. The
internship programme will cover the following areas:

Workshop 1 - Weightlifting:
Weightlifting – Rationale for its usage in sports performance
Weightlifting – Technical model for performance coaching
Weightlifting – Coaching strategies and derivative exercises
Weightlifting – Common errors and correction methods

Workshop 2 – Speed & Agility:
Speed – Theory underpinning speed performance
Speed – Technical model for acceleration
Speed – Technical model for maximum velocity
Speed – Speed mechanics
Speed – Agility fundamentals
Speed - Testing

Workshop 3 – Plyometrics & Assessment:
Plyometrics – Theory underpinning plyometrics
Plyometrics – Technical model for slow stretch shortening cycle exercises (SSC)
Plyometrics – Technical model for fast stretch shortening cycle exercises (SSC)
Assessment – Functional movement screen assessment
Assessment – Range of movement assessment
Assessment – Corrective exercise prescription

Workshop 4 - Bringing It All Together:
Warm-up – Technical model of correct warm-up protocols
Programme Prescription – How to prescribe for power, maximal strength & hypertrophy
Programme Design – How to design an effective programme template
Periodization – Understanding different periodization models
Nutrition – Sports nutrition strategies for elite athletes

For more information, contact me at:

Friday, 21 January 2011

Functional Screen Rationale

Importance of Functional Assessment for Rugby

The use of the expression “Functional Training” has gained a lot of attention over the last number of years. Rugby players have been seeking out new methods and approaches to training in the hope it will improve performance. During the course of this, they have talked about making their training more ‘functional’. But do they know what this really means and is it another fad in the strength and conditioning industry? We know the best way to improve at rugby is to practice it regularly, however, practice alone will only develop the motor skill element of the sport and the energy systems involved. It will not improve your ability to apply force which is important for most of these skills, and will not improve your flexibility and mobility. Exercises outside of normal training must be performed to help improve an athletes force production, flexibility and mobility to reduce the risk of injuries and help improve performance. This article intends to look at the first step in functional training, the functional assessment. We will focus on “The Overhead Squat”, a basic test for coaches to evaluate the whole body movement once they understand some basic anatomy.

What is a Functional Assessment?
The functional assessment can involve a series of tests which assess the stability and mobility of the various joints of the body. They will assess whether the player has the basic stability and movement competency in order to undertake or continue in intensive training without associated risk of injury. They also assess a player’s ability to activate important muscles for their rugby. The tests we perform at KG Elite Performance include:
-          The Overhead Squat
-          In-Line Lunge
-          Core Strength (using a pressure feedback analyzer)
-          Pelvic Stability Test
This article will focus on the first of these tests. The results of the functional assessment help guide the coach before handing over the next part of the creen to the physiotherapist/physical therapist who conducts the musculo-skeletal assessment.

What is the rationale for the tests?
Functional tests such as the overhead squat provide very useful information regarding a player’s strengths and weaknesses. The overhead squat assesses mobility limitations around the ankle, knee, hip and shoulder joints. If these limitations are left unaddressed they can severely impact upon performance and increase the risk of injury for the player.

If we use the ankle joint as an example, rugby player’s often have muscular imbalances of the lower leg. Very often the calf muscles are tight, one of  these in particular, the soleus. When this muscle is tight it can reduce the amount of dorsiflexion (bringing toes towards shin bone) of the ankle joint when the knee is bent. So how will this affect performance? It will severely affect a player’s ability to squat effectively. As the squat movement closely replicates skills seen in the game such as line-out lifting, jumping, etc, a tight soleus if left in a shortened state can result in poor performance when performing these skills.

Flexibility imbalances can also occur higher up in the hip region. The hip flexors are a group of muscles which cross over the front of the hip. They are involved in flexing the hip and pulling it forward anteriorly. This can typically become tight and affect a player’s movement. For outside backs, speed is particularly important. One of the factors involved in speed is the high knee lift which helps stride length. If the hip flexors are tight, the hips are pulled forward which reduces a player’s ability to generate high knees when sprinting. As a result, their speed is reduced.

The overhead squat can be also used to assess for any asymmetries which occur between right and left hand side of the body. Let’s look at one of the main hip stabilizer, the gluteus medius in some more detail. Its main function is to stabilize the hip when the foot contacts the floor. If this muscle is inactive or placed in a weakened position, it can affect a player’s ability to change direction and side step.

The Overhead Squat – set up of the test
Below are some key coaching points which are important for performing the functional assessment.
Start Position Key Points:
·         Arms positioned at 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock
·         Dowel positioned directly overhead
·         Feet shoulder width apart
·         Feet pointing straight

Bottom Position Key Points:
·         Arms stay straight
·         Feet stay pointing straight
·         Knees stay in line with feet
·         Hips stay level
Common Compensations seen during the overhead squat:
Ankle Joint: Unable to achieve 15-20 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion
Knee Joint: Knees buckle inwards
Hip Joint: Flexes too much at the hip
Lumbar Spine: Extends too much through lumbar spine
Shoulder Joint: Unable to keep dowel overhead as player squats down

Functional Training
Once all the flexibility, mobility and stability compensations have been collected from the ankle, knee, hip and shoulder joints an individualised program is created to address the underlying problems. This really is the true essence of functional training whereby you are trying to return muscles to their normal resting length and in particular have the stabilizing muscles activate accordingly. Once this is achieved, a player is then physically ready to commence more advanced training without the injury risks. And as players, staying injury free is one of the keys to success.

At KG Elite Performance, we functionally screen our athletes on the initial consultation and then have them return one week later to receive their individualized programs which address their compensations. We spend this second consultation taking them through their exercises so that they thoroughly understand them. Six weeks after this players return for the re-assessment.

Strength Training for Speed in Rugby

Strength Training for Speed in Rugby
So you’ve tried coaching your players for speed but they are not getting any faster. You start to get a bit frustrated and decide to give up on this component of their fitness. Does this sound familiar? Unfortunately this is often the case with many S&C coaches, and it has a knock on effect when your players look to compete at the highest level.  Ireland has never been pleased with many speedsters, and since Dennis Hickie has retired the National side has struggled for blistering speed. Speed is an enduring skill and as such takes a lot longer to develop than fitness, however, once the skill of speed is developed and refined it has greater longevity and arguably more rewards on the pitch. Speed did not come by chance to Dennis, he spent years developing and improving his speed, so much so he was running as fast as ever during his final year of playing. Although a long term approach must be taken to coaching speed, with a carefully planned programme some noticeable changes can occur over 6 weeks. For example, an AIL player came to me over the summer looking to get faster. His acceleration was poor at 1.83seconds for the 0-10m, after six weeks of strength and speed training he finished with 1.68seconds which was a good improvement. Before you go and prescribe a speed programme for your player/s some fundamental speed biomechanics are important to note.

What do we need to consider when coaching speed?
You have probably heard about how stride length and stride frequency are the two most important aspects to consider when coaching speed. Well this coaching concept is now outdated and current research will show how contact length (distance travelled by the player while their foot is in contact with the ground) and contact time (time the player’s foot spends on the ground) are the two most important variables. Stride length and rate are mere products of having improved contact length and contact rate. To understand this better let’s look at what forces we need to overcome in order to sprint fast. Firstly, we can’t get away from gravity so we are always going to have this vertical force acting on us as we move. Secondly air resistance applies a horizontal force against us. The job of running at top speed is then to apply forces in such a way that we are able to overcome these two forces acting on our body. Once we are aware of the two forces acting on us when sprinting, what variables are available to us when our foot is on the floor?
The first is contact length, this is controlled by how long your legs are and how far you reach in front of your centre of mass and/or push off behind. The second is contact time, the time your foot spends on the floor.  This is controlled by how long it takes your player to overcome the effects of the gravity and air resistance. Below is a simple equation which coaches need to consider for speed (acceleration and agility for that matter):
Velocity = Contact Length / Contact Time

So how do we make changes to contact length and contact time?
Well as coaches we are unable to make any ethical changes to our player’s leg length and coaching reaching in front has proven to be ineffective so we are limited in how we can impact upon this variable. So that leaves us with contact time. This variable is hugely important when looking to improve speed. What do faster players do compared with slower players? They are able to generate much higher leg extension forces on the ground and they do it much more quickly. This means they can overcome the effects of gravity (vertical forces) much more quickly and propel themselves back into the air (the effects of air resistance being equal to each player). With this in mind they can overcome their contact length in less time. What does this do to our velocity equation above? Simple, less contact time equals more velocity which equals more speed.

“Quicker feet”, “faster hands” and “more arm drive” are often heard when watching a speed session, but are these coaching cues very effective?
Sprinting fast is all about how we affect ground force production. Therefore, good speed mechanics, coaching cues and drills are all about how they affect ground force production. Coaching “quicker feet” results in the player focusing his attention on getting his foot off the ground, but this isn’t how we affect ground reaction time in rugby. In rugby or any sport for that matter, we reduce our ground reaction time by expressing our forces more quickly to enable the acceleration phase to happen in a shorter time frame so that the player can then move on to the next movement skill requirement in the game. By coaching “quicker feet” to your players, you are effectively cueing an inappropriate pattern of movement which results in lower ground force production on contact. This can often be seen when using SAQ ladders in a session. Players are coached to speed up their contact times which result in training them to express less force on ground contact. As much as they are a nice tool to have to create some variation in training, overuse of them can often result in diminished returns for the more experienced player.

What gym/pitched based exercises can you do to improve speed?
Once you have a group of players who have a couple of years of weight training, a more specific programme can be prescribed to enhance performance. Like any exercise that is prescribed to your players, you must have a specific rationale for prescribing it. So let’s look at what actions of the body are important for speed.
Powerful hip extensors provide two important functions
1.      Reduce braking forces and brace the leg against the ground
2.      Facilitate high rates of force production vertically as we sprint (counteracting effects of gravity)
Other important areas to consider include an ability to stiffen the knee and ankle through eccentric control in knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors plus strong tendons, allows for fast force production on contact. When we prescribe gym based programmes we must have an outcome goal intended for the programme and player/team. Otherwise all programmes given to a player are general in nature and will not have any real performance effect on any specific aspect of his conditioning. Before deciding on the strength programme you want to help improve your player’s speed, look at which type of programme will help his speed the most. For example, Shane Horgan is a tall player who I would class as a hip dominant sprinter. He has a long contact length (observation) reaching in front allowing himself longer contact time to express force and overcome gravity. A knee and ankle programme may prove effective for Shane in allowing him to express these forces more quickly. This would result in shorter contact times which should translate to improved speed. Below are a list of some exercises which can be used to have a specific effect on the hip extensors, knee extensors and plantar flexors:

Gym Based
Pitch Based
Hip Extensors
Olympic Lifts, deadlifting, RDL’s
Sled runs, viper resisted runs, hopping and bounding
Knee Stiffness
Full Squats, single leg leg press, squat jumps
Double leg hurdle bounds
Calf raise/lower with eccentric control
Double leg hurdle bounds